
My name is Kenon Jeffers. I am the owner and sole artist operating Jeffers Forge, currently based out of North Bend, WA. I am 26 years old and a graduate from Central Washington University with a BFA in studio art and a minor in business management. I have been enthralled with metalwork since I was 13 years old. During my first year at Central, I found myself in the art department, and I eventually invested myself fully into pursuing art. Once I made that choice, I knew I was never turning back.

I have been blacksmithing in some manner since 2010, but in earnest since 2016. I have worked alongside and continue to work with other professional smiths in their shops where I have been and am given an opportunity to grow and learn. Additionally, I have been making jewelry since 2016, and stone carving since 2017. 

I had always felt as though my time was being squandered by the requirements of what I “should” be doing. In my opinion, time is the most precious resource in life. It is life itself. I feel fulfilled by the pursuit of making, be it art, tools, or any handmade item. It is my dream to be able to support myself with my artwork. It will be a long road yet, but one wholly worth the effort. If you so generously purchase jewelry or sculpture from me, just know how immeasurably grateful I am to be supported in pursuing my dream!